NJCCN published a one-page summary of nurse faculty vacancy rates from 2015-2017. This summary uses data from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and NJCCN’s own Educational Capacity Report. Click here to view a printer-friendly version of the report. In September of 2018, NJCCN formed a committee to address address the growing nursing faculty shortage and review solutions.
National Data (aacnnursing.org)
- S. nursing schools turned away 64,067 qualified applicants from baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs in 2016 due to insufficient number of faculty, clinical sites, classroom space, clinical preceptors and budget constraints.
- AACN 2016 survey of 832 nursing schools with baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs:
- 1,567 vacancies were identified
- An additional 133 faculty positions are needed to meet student demand
- National nurse faculty vacancy rate = 7.9%
- 8% of vacancies were for faculty positions requiring or preferring a doctoral degree.
- AACN 2015-2016 report average age of doctorally-prepared nurse faculty:
- Professor – average age 62.2 years
- Associate Professor – average age 57.6 years
- Assistant Professor – average age 51.1 years
- Average salary for a master’s prepared Assistant Professor in schools of nursing = $77,022. (AACN, 2016)
New Jersey Data (njccn.org)
- Educational Survey 2017 – Full-time position vacancies = 51 (8.1%)