Policy & Legislation
221st NJ Legislative Session (2024-2025)
- S1949 and A1659 establish certain requirements and initiatives related to nurses; appropriate funds.
- S4266 transfers oversight to certified nurse aides (CNAs) from DOH to the Board of Nursing.
- S4267 appropriates $10 million to the Department of Treasury for nurse preceptor tax credits.
- S4268 establishes Nursing School Expansion Grant Program; appropriates $25 million.
Click HERE for TALKING POINTS when discussing the above bills with your Legislators.
- S780 and A2801 rename, extend eligibility, and make changes to the Primary Care Practitioner Loan Redemption Program; appropriates $10 million.
- S1983 and A944 eliminate certain practice restrictions for advanced practice nurses.
- S1941 and A3450 establish minimum registered professional nurse staffing standards for hospitals, ambulatory surgery facilities, and certain DHS facilities.
- S2700 and A3683 establish the “Patient Protection and Safe Staffing Act.”
- S3051 requires the Division of Consumer Affairs to hire staff to alleviate the professional license application backlog; and appropriates $10,000,000 in fiscal years 2024, 2025, and 2026.
NJCCN Research on Staff Ratios and Alternatives
- NJCCN Data Analysis: Nurse Staffing Ratios and Patient Outcomes in NJ
- Does Public Reporting of Staffing Ratios and Nursing Home Compare Ratings Matter?
- Nurse Workforce Environment Staffing Councils: An Innovative Approach
- Effects of Public Reporting Legislation of Nurse Staffing: A Trend Analysis
- Nurse staffing legislation: Empirical evidence and policy analysis
- Effects of Public Reporting Legislation of Nurse Staffing: A Trend Analysis
- Staffing Trends in Magnet and Non-Magnet Hospitals After State Legislation
- Alternative Approaches to Ensuring Adequate Nurse Staffing: The Effect of State Legislation on Hospital Nurse Staffing
- Nursing Work Environment Staffing Councils: An Alternative to Mandatory Regulated Staffing Ratios
- Exploration of the Meaning of Healthy: Work Environment for Nurses
220th NJ Legislative Session (2022-2024)
- S3596 and A4619 codify and extend the authorization for certain out-of-State healthcare practitioners and recent graduates of healthcare training programs to practice in New Jersey.
- S2825 and A4325 establish certain requirements and initiatives related to nurses; transfer oversight of certified nurse aides from DOH to the board of Nursing; appropriate $26.7 million.
- S1522 and A2286 eliminate certain practice restrictions for advanced practice nurses.
- A2194/S1050 requires newly licensed registered professional nurses to attain a baccalaureate degree in nursing within 10 years of initial licensure as a condition of renewal of license.
- A2195 prohibits the use of the “Nurse” title by an unlicensed person
- S304 and A4536 establishes minimum registered professional nurse staffing standards for hospitals and ambulatory surgery facilities and certain DHS facilities.
- A244 requires hospitals to establish nurse staffing committees.
219th NJ Legislative Session (2020-2022)
- A5557 expands continuing education requirements for nurses (Domestic Violence education).
- Long Term Care Bills introduced in the NJ State Assembly: A4478, A4479, A4480, A4483, A4485.
- Long Term Care Bills introduced in the NJ State Senate: S2759, S2784, S2786, S2788, S2791.
- A1760 “Consumer Access to Healthcare Act” eliminates requirement of joint protocol with physical for advanced practice nurses to prescribe medication.
- A1773 establishes a tuition reimbursement program for certain advance practice nurses who provide mental health care services in underserved areas in New Jersey.
- A1762 and S1082 require newly licensed registered professional nurse to attain baccalaureate degree in nursing within 10 years of initial licensure as a condition of renewal of the license.
- A2439 and S1083 establish minimum registered professional nurse staffing standards for hospitals and ambulatory surgery facilities and certain DHS facilities.
- A1791 requires hospitals to establish nurse staffing committees.
- A1419 and S525 revise identification badge requirements for hospital staff.
- A3829 prohibits use of “Nurse” title by unlicensed person.
- A5020– permits advanced practice nurse to testify in lieu of psychiatrist at court hearing for involuntary commitment.
- A5037– Requires Board of Nursing to establish dual certification for certified nurse aide; transfers certified nurse aide licensing authority from DOH to Board of Nursing.
- S76 Authorizes school nurses to administer opioid antidotes to overdose victims on school property, with immunity from civil, criminal, and professional liability, pursuant to the “Overdose Prevention Act.”
- A3721 and S2552 Requires implicit bias training for physicians.
How a Bill Becomes Law
There are many steps for a bill to become a law. This link will walk you through those steps needed to get a bill to become a law in New Jersey. For more information go to https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/legislativepub/legprocess.asp
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