Hosted by the Nursing Leadership graduate education program at Rutgers School of Nursing
LEAD. INFLUENCE. CREATE CHANGE. Join our free, live webinarseries featuring distinguished nurse leaders addressing a wide range of topics related to creating positive change.
Session 4
Advancing Well-being in the Workplace: Strategies for Nurse Leaders
Wednesday, November 1, 2023 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
The NJCCN is currently looking for an Assistant Director/Faculty who will provide supervisory support for the staff of NJCCN and support the grant efforts of the Center, as well as teach in an academic setting. This person will work with the Executive Director of NJCCN to expand the Center’s influence in nursing workforce data and solutions across the state. The Assistant Director will report directly to the Executive Director. This person will be responsible for day to day operations of the Center and will be ensure data reports are accurate, must have knowledge of data management, grant writing, public speaking, and influence across the state with nursing leaders. They must also have an interest in transition into practice programs and in providing education. Click HERE for more information and to apply.
On December 12th, Pamela B. de Cordova, PhD, RN-BC, Associate Professor and Faculty Researcher for the NJCCN, Jennifer Polakowski, testified at the Assembly Higher Education Committee on Bill A4614 Modifying the Nursing Faculty Loan Redemption Program. Click HERE to read Bill A4614.
ONL-NJ will be honoring NJCCN and Dr. Edna Cadmus, NJCCN Executive Director at their Annual Holiday Meeting & Awards Brunch on Dec. 2, 2022. NJCCN will be receiving the Impact Award and Dr. Cadmus, the Distinguished Service Award. For more information, click HERE.