Mar 3, 2021 | Events
Celebrating the last 10 years of the Institute of Medicine, Future of Nursing: Leading Change and Advancing Health on February 24th. See what NJ Nurses have accomplished!
Feb 9, 2021 | Events
REGISTER TODAY for The Future of Nursing: Passion, Purpose, and Progress!
This is the first of two major stakeholder meetings of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action as we prepare for the release of the National Academy of Medicine’s second future of nursing report.;F:QS!10100&ShowUUID=8586F5FC-A5BC-4BC6-AA17-60E8FA1310CB&
Feb 4, 2021 | Events
The NJLN proudly announces the 2021 Virtual Convention and Exhibit Expo. Each year the NJLN comes together to learn, network, and take time to focus on personal and professional development. NJLN has developed an event focused on and representing today’s nurse that is built on an industry leading event technology platform that is easy to navigate. Please join NJLN as they make history by hosting their first virtual convention!
Visit for more information.
Dec 21, 2020 | Events
Join us June 8-10, 2021 for the Nurses Reshaping the Workforce: From Crisis to Innovation 2021 Virtual Conference, hosted by the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers in partnership with National Nurse-Led Care Consortium. The entire conference will be virtual and conducted through Zoom. Presentations will be scheduled throughout each day. Administrators, Clinicians, Faculty, Researchers, Scholars, and Students interested in speaking or presenting at the conference are warmly invited to submit a conference abstract.
The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium and the National Forum for State Nursing Workforce Centers are committed to creating a conference that supports diversity, equity, and inclusion. We both encourage and expect abstracts to address issues related to building a more inclusive and just society, including anti-racism, LGBTQ+ affirming care, economic justice, and more.
Abstract submission link:
Nov 5, 2020 | Events
On November 17, 2020, NJCCN will be hosting the NJ Nurse Residency Collaborative Showcase. Please review the press release for more information regarding the program and how to register. Additionally, please review the agenda for the event here.
May 5, 2020 | Events, National, Partner Organizations
The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium and the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers present a virtual conference in June of 2020 to connect nursing leaders, educators, and researchers from around the country to explore nursing workforce issues.
Learn more at:
The Power of Data to Build a Healthier Nation will convene nursing leaders from across the U.S. to share their expertise on a range of topics in a virtual conference. Please join us and your nursing colleagues in this innovative virtual format to discuss the nursing workforce, how data can improve healthcare, the future of nursing, and more.
This 2020 conference is co-hosted by the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium and the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers. The planning committee also includes the New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing, the Foundation of New York State Nurses Center for Nursing, and the Pennsylvania Action Coalition.
Conference Schedule is available at:
Learning Outcomes
- Investigate current use of data to support integration of population health in practice and academia
- Understand how data drives new care delivery models and improvements in healthcare
- Examine how data can inform the development of healthcare policy
- Assess healthcare workforce and investigate strategies to support inclusivity and resiliency in capacity building
- Understand and address the impact of the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report
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